Thank you for considering Michigan Metal Coatings (MMC) for your coating needs. Your interest in our services is greatly appreciated, and we are dedicated to providing you with exceptional service and tailored solutions.
Our team is diligently working on creating a customized quote that aligns with your specific requirements. We look forward to sharing our quote with you and discussing how we can best meet your coating needs.
Thank you once again for considering MMC. We are excited about the opportunity to work with you and demonstrate the quality of our services. We will be in touch soon.
Warm regards,
Your MMC Sales Team
MC SYSTEMS has a total of 11 facilities that incorporates 40 various state-of-that-art coating line technologies.
2015 Dove St.
Port Huron, MI 48060
PH: 810.966.9240
Fax: 810.966.9242